Mr Ryan Radia, reading BA PPE, University of Oxford
“Avanti Sixth Form allowed me to achieve academic heights that I never thought possible. The meticulous nature of all staff constantly pushes you as a student to do the best you can do. You’ll always be in an environment to exceed your best potential.”
All of the subjects we offer are two year linear A-Level courses. While our goal is to make every effort to accommodate all combinations of A-Level subjects, places on some subject courses may be limited due to staffing constraints. In exceptional cases it may not be possible to run a subject if there are insufficient students applying for it.
It is imperative with linear A-levels that students start courses of study that they are committed to completing, and, as a consequence we encourage every student to think very carefully about their options and find out as much as possible about the subjects you might want to study.
Listed below are courses that are likely to be available, please click on the subject for course information: