A-level philosophy comprises four topic areas: Epistemology, Moral philosophy, the Metaphysics of God and the Metaphysics of mind.
Students are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the content, including through the use of philosophical analysis (conceptual analysis and argument analysis). They must also be able to analyse and evaluate the philosophical arguments within the subject content to form reasoned judgements.
Order and timing of topics throughout KS5 for Philosophy:
Year 12
Two main topics parallelly taught by two teachers
Autumn Term 1 / Autumn Term 2 / Spring Term 1
Topic 1: Metaphysics of Mind: areas covered:
What do we mean by 'mind'?
Dualist theories (substance dualism, property dualism) · Physicalist theories
Physicalism, mind-brain type identity theory, eliminative materialism, functionalism
PIP1 Assessments (3 hours): What do we mean by ‘mind’? Utilitarianism, Deontology
Spring Term 2 / Summer Term
Topic 2: Moral philosophy: areas covered:
Normative ethical theories [Utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, Aristotelian ethics]
Applied Ethics [Stealing, Lying, Killing animals, Simulated killing]
Meta-ethics [Moral realism & moral anti-realism
PIP2 Assessments (3 hours): Moral Philosophy & Philosophy of Mind
After mocks, Y13 topics: Epistemology & Metaphysics of God
Year 13
Two main topics parallelly taught by two teachers
Autumn Term 1 & Autumn Term 2
Topic 3: Metaphysics of God: areas covered:
The concept and nature of 'God'
Arguments relating to the existence of God. [Ontological, teleological, cosmological].
The Problem of Evil
Religious Language
PIP1 (3 hours): Moral Philosophy and Philosophy of mind
Autumn Term 2 / Spring Term 1
Topic 4: Epistemology areas covered:
What is knowledge.
The tripartite view
Perception as a source of knowledge
Reason as a source of knowledge
The limits of knowledge
PIP2 (3 hours): Metaphysics of God & Epistemology
Spring Term 2
May / June Exams - Paper 1 & 2
Paper 1:
What is assessed: Epistemology and Moral Philosophy
written exam: 3 hours
100 marks
50% of A-level
A mixture of short and long questions: one 3 marks question; two 5 marks question; one 12 marks question and one 25 marks question for each topic.
Paper 2:
What is assessed: Metaphysics of God and Mind Assessed
written exam: 3 hours
100 marks
50% of A-level
A mixture of short and long questions: one 3 marks question; two 5 marks question; one 12 marks question and one 25 marks question for each topic
Check your child’s folders and workbooks once a week.
Encourage your child to use the recommended resources.
Check your child’s Google Classroom to ensure that s/he is doing their homework.
Attend parents’ consultation meetings.
Excellent videos from The Royal Institute of Philosophy on YouTube:
Revision sessions
Study weekly (approximately 3-5 hours)
Read from the AQA Philosophy book but also other relevant articles and textbooks.
Complete all HW on time.
Produce relevant mind maps and answer exam questions independently.